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User Guide

Everything you need to know to run DaDuke on your computer.




Things that you can do:

  1. Create - You can add a new Task, either ToDos, Event or Deadline task.

  2. Delete - You can remove a Task from the current TaskList.

  3. Update - You can update the completion status of each Task.

  4. Search - You can lookup Tasks related to a specific keyword.

  5. List - You can list all the Tasks existing in the current TaskList.

  6. Check Duplicates - This ensures no repeated Tasks are keyed into TaskList.


DaDuke supports the following commands:

todo <task name> - creates a new ToDos Task (eg. todo Homework).

event <task name> /at <dd/mm/yyyy hhmm> - creates a new Event Task (eg. event Hackathon /at 17/09/2019 1400).

deadline <task name> /by <dd/mm/yyyy hhmm> - creates a new Deadline Task (eg. deadline Math Quiz /by 20/09/2019 2359).

done <task number> - marks the corresponding Task in the TaskList as done (eg. ‘done 2’ will mark the second task on the list as done).

delete <task number> - removes the Task from the list (eg. ‘delete 3’ will remove the third task on the list).

list - prints all current Tasks in TaskList.

find <keyword> - searches for an existing Task containing the keyword (keyword is CASE SENSITIVE).

bye - terminates the application